Every woman knows that accessorizing with a certain handbag can make or break an outfit. While certain bags are always in fashion, different occasions call for different purses. One of the biggest fashion faux-pas is picking out a bag without considering what you’ll be using it for and if it will look good with your body type.
The first question you need to ask yourself is “When will I be using this handbag?” If you can’t think of a certain occasion, or time of day when you’ll be using it, then chances are it will wind up collecting dust at the bottom of your closet. Buying a new bag is a legitimate commitment, so you shouldn’t put in the funds unless you are completely sure you will get some use out of it.
When it comes to picking a handbag for a certain event, the basic rule is to save the bigger bag for daytime and stick to smaller, clutch-sized bags at night. Smaller bags won’t get in your way during a social night with friends, and are easy to keep close to you in a crowded bar or club. A small clutch would be perfect for a night out to dinner, while a small purse with long straps would be great for strolling on the boardwalk.