Inside CHANEL Perfume

The perfume company CHANEL recently created a whole website to tell the history of the company and how it all came to be. There's so much interesting information behind the company and perfume that we wanted to share it with all of our Roo Girls! The story dates all the way back to 1883 when Gabrielle Chanel was born.

Of course, CHANEL No 5 perfume is the most well-known of the CHANEL collection, and is one of the most well-known perfumes of the world. So, we were happy to see that "Chapter 1" of "Inside CHANEL" started with the story of how CHANEL No 5 came to be! The fragrance was created in 1921 for the first time, and has such a beautiful story behind it. Watch it here:

We loved learning the story behind the perfume coming to be was that Chanel sought to create:

"A woman's perfume with a woman's scent. Her scent should be as important as her style of dress. A woman should wear perfume wherever she would like to be kissed."

Chanel quoteThe perfume was the first time a perfume wasn't based on only one floral scent, and it certainly made an impact on the perfume industry from there on out. It's become a classic and iconic scent that has truly tested time. It's even been honored by the Museum of Modern Art in NYC, and the famous artist Andy Warhol even included it in a series of his paintings! And of course, you can't look over Marilyn Monroe being known for wearing the perfume, revealing that she wears to bed, "just a few drops of No 5." And, ever since then, so many more celebrities, even Brad Pitt, have promoted the perfume. Our favorite part of the whole first video, though may be how it ended: "No 5 resists the whims of fashion and the passage of time, as of Mademoiselle Chanel had found the formula for the feminine eternal." It definitely sounds like she has!

There's so much more to the CHANEL story than just this Chapter 1 video, though, and definitely too much to include in only one blog post! There are 10 full "Chapters" to the story, as well as an interactive timeline, all on their website at If you love CHANEL and CHANEL perfume, it's definitely a fun website to check out. Enjoy!

 Source: Chanel

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