Sex and the City is back, but with a little bit of a twist! Did you catch the premiere of the new CW TV Show The Carrie Diaries last night? It's all about Sex and the City protagonist Carrie Bradshaw, but back when she was in high school in 1984.
While the show is technically a prequel to Sex and the City, don't expect the new show to be SATC all over again. Just like the original, Carrie Bradshaw is nothing short of a bubbly blonde aspiring writer who loves shopping, shoes, and of course, the big city. But, this show is an entirely different, yet just as fun drama that's a great watch whether or not you're a super fan of SATC.
And, if nothing else, who doesn't love the '80s?? The show is full of a perfect mixture of old and new, with the cast wearing '80s inspired outfits that we'd rock right now if we could get our hands on them! So, just like the original, the show doesn't disappoint in the fashion department. And, the soundtrack combines some great retro tunes with brand new songs. Check out some photos from the show below - they remind us of the fashion trends that are in style right now!
If you missed the pilot episode this week, no worries - I'm sure there will be many re-runs on TV! You can also already watch the full episode online on The CW's website! The show will be airing every Monday at 8pm EST, so just make sure to catch up before next week.
If you caught the premiere last night, leave us a comment and let us know what you thought!
Source: The CW