Justin Bieber Explains His Many Tattoos

It's no surprise these days that that Justin Bieber has a whole body full of tattoos. While his love for tattoos started pretty simply, with only a few here and there, and most hidden, he's grown a large collection of them now throughout his body. While some of his tattoos are self-explanatory, others have pretty deep meanings that you'd never know about unless the Biebs himself explained them. Well, he recently revealed the inspiration for many of the important ones in a video for magazine GQ. Spoiler alert: many are about his mom, and one seems to be for Selena Gomez! Check out the video below.

The first tattoo he ever got may be our favorite, a tattoo of a seagull that everyone in his family has. Bieber says that the tattoo is from a book that everyone in his family has read, and explains that the book is about, "this seagull who wanted to be more than just a seagull." We believe that he may be referencing the book Jonathan Livingston Seagull by Richard Bach, and is certainly a great story to be treasured and shared within a family. 

That's just the start of the video, though. He explained that his journey to be so highly decorated in ink started when he was 17 years old. His first tats were only placed in areas where they wouldn't be seen by the public, but as he got older, the tattoos became more publicly viewable. Some of the tattoos he explains the meaning behind are the eye on the inside of his elbow, the numerals on his upper chest area, a "G" on his right arm, a cursive "LL" on the inside of his right arm, a certain lady on his right wrist, and many more tattoos. The  main take away from this video: the Biebs is much more sensitive than we could have ever imagined! Pretty cute!

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