In case you missed it, dress designer Faviana was recently on HLN's Weekend Express Morning Show, where they discussed their red carpet trend report from the 2016 Oscars and how these trends inspire prom and social occasions. What are the biggest trends for Prom 2016? HLN Faviana discuss all that and more on the special!
What are the biggest trends for Prom 2016? HLN and Devin Vandermaas, who is the Director of Marketing at Faviana, discuss all that and more on the special! You can view the video on HLN's website by clicking here or clicking the photo below.
Fashion house Faviana's Devin explains that a lot of sophisticated styles are popular for this year's prom season, including trends like plunging necklines, dark shaded sequins, cut-outs, and two pieces.
Some of the celebrities that Devin specifically called out in the video, and how you can take a cue from their looks, are: Continue reading