The first day of October 2014 is finally here! That means that it's officially Homecoming Season! Not only that, but Halloween is just weeks away, so October is a month that's all about dressing up, and we certainly like any reason to dress up here at Rissy Roo's! Additionally, don't forget that October marks Breast Cancer Awareness Month, a very important cause for women everywhere.
So, whether you're shopping for your homecoming dress, a sexy little black dress to rock on Halloween night, or a cute pink look to show your support of Breast Cancer Awareness, enjoy dressing up in stunning dresses all throughout the month of October!
And, of course, if you need help finding that perfect dress for any event you're attending, don't forget to contact us - our dress experts are always happy to help! And, stay tuned for some special promos and sales that we have planned throughout October!