
  • Bryan Cranston Helps a Fan Get a Date to Prom

    The Miley Cyrus promposal has been topping our charts as the best prom proposal of 2014, but we may have just discovered a new favorite! Recently, Breaking Bad fan Stefan Montana ran into actor Bryan Cranston on the streets and asked Bryan to help him with his promposal. Of course, the awesome Bryan obliged to the most badass Breaking Bad way possible! Check out the Bryan Cranston promposal here:

    The title of the YouTube video is called "Bryan Cranston Got Me a Date to Prom!" so we can happily assume that Maddie gave a resounding "YES!" Of course, how could you say "no," to "the one who knocks" to begin with? Way too scary! If Maddie did give a "no" to the promposal, her best course of action definitely would be to tread lightly!

    We love how ecstatic both Stefan and Bryan are towards the end of the promposal - they both seemed like they had a lot of fun with it! It's definitely always exciting to see a TV star as big as Bryan Cranston having fun with his fans. And, of course, with the Breaking Bad TV show finally over, it was nice to get a little taste of Walter White back in action. You're a lucky girl, Maddie, for getting such a unique promposal from your date (and from a celebrity)! We hope the two of you have a wonderful time at prom!

    What did you think of the Bryan Cranston promposal? Do you wish you could get a celebrity in on your prompsal? We sure do! Make sure to keep your eyes peeled and your ears perked for opportunities!

  • Congrats to our Ultimate Promposal Contest Winner!

    Another Rissy Roo's Prom 2014 Contest has come to a close, and this was an especially fun one! We are so excited to announce the winner of our Ultimate Promposal Contest...Emily!

    Rissy Roo's Ultimate Promposal Contest Winner

    Ultimate Promposal Contest Winner

    In our Ultimate Promposal Contest, we asked all of our Roo Girls to share their 2014 promposal for a chance to win a $50 gift certificate to using hashtag #ARooPromposal. Over the course of a week, our Roo Girls showed us such fun, quirky and totally creative ideas for a promposal...from easy ideas to incredibly elaborate...and only 1 winner was chosen as the Ultimate Roo Promposal on March 28th.

    That Ultimate Promposal was the so silly (and romantic!) prom proposal from George to his girlfriend Emily that you see above! We were so blown away by George's creative and so funny...and of course, very bold...idea! Congrats, Emily (and George)!

    While Emily's promposal was our winner, we had so many great ideas come in that we wanted to share them all with you. Check them out below. With Prom 2014 getting closer and closer, we hope they give you some ideas for your own prom proposal!

    Promposal Contest Entries

    balloons promposal

    The promposal that started it all! We saw this prom proposal idea that Missy posted of her son asking his girlfriend to prom with lots and lots of balloons and immediately fell in love and decided to go on a search for the Ultimate Promposal! Of course, we gave Missy's son a $50 gift certificate to give to his date to sweeten the deal. In case you were wondering, she said yes!


    This promposal from Jennifer was super sweet! Two ways to use the 'fish' idea in a promposal - "out of all the fish in the sea, will you go to prom with me?" and "You are the Swedish Fish in the Sea." Both so cute!

    We even had a video promposal! Taylor sent this video in of her boyfriend, Spencer, asking her to prom in the middle of a huge audience at a basketball game. That definitely takes a lot of guts - cudos to you, Spencer!

    phone promposal

    Sarah entered this creative prom proposal that was created on her iphone with app icons! For those that don't want to do something too over the top, this is a super easy idea, while still being able to show your creativity.

    friends promposal

    Heather submitted this picture of her boyfriend, Taj, getting his friends involved for her promposal. What great friends!

    pictures and balloons promposal


    pictures promposal

    More balloons with Jennifer's promposal from her boyfriend! She wrote:

    "Went to school all moody and came home to being one of the luckiest girls ever ;-) I have the best boyfriend in the whole wide world :-) this time I'll say this from the bottom of my heart...I LOVE YOU ENDLESSLY AND NO ONE CAN REPLACE YOU! :-* thanks for everything boo <3."

    These are all such great promposal ideas - thank you to all of our Roo Girls who entered the contest and shared their prom proposals with us! Follow us on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram to stay tuned for more contests to come soon!

  • Promposals for Him: What Type of Promposal Girl are You?

    With prom on the way, we are all super busy trying to find the prom dress and accessories of our dreams to ensure our night is perfect! Not to mention the organizing of plans and parties, we are exploring with hairstyles and makeup trends to figure out what kind of prom look we want. With all the shopping and searching and planning, we may have overlooked one minor detail...what about a date? If you haven't been asked yet, don't fret as there is still plenty of time for your dream guy to ask you. However, it's totally okay to take matters into your own hands and ask your crush or friend first! There are countless ways to go about asking someone to prom, so to get your creative juices flowing, below are two ways to go around 'promposals for him' - a more simple way, as well as a bolder approach. What kind of promposal girl would you be?

    Simple Promposal Approach

    Whether coming from the guy or the girl, prom proposals are all about exploring your creative side and putting some extra thought into a clever way to ask your potential date. With that said, it doesn't mean that it has to be done in an over-the-top way. For a simple promposal idea, try incorporating something you know the other person likes or is interested in to show how much you care. We love this cute idea of "winging" the promposal with some chicken wings! First of all, what guy doesn't like wings?? And, secondly, it's a cute way to remind the person that you're asking that you are doing something sincere that you've never done before, and will hopefully be a reminder for him to be sincere with a response in return!

    Wing It Promposal idea

    Bold Promposal Approach

    If you're a "go big or go home" type of girl, you may want to do something a little more bold for your promposal. Whether you just want a cute way to ask your boyfriend to prom, or you're on a mission to prove how much this your potential date MUST go to prom with you, or it just seems like something fun to do, a bold promposal can seem scary, but also very rewarding! Bolder, bigger ideas can also be fun ways to have friends aid you in the process! With all of the snow that's been coming down this weekend, we thought the below idea of carving our "PROM?" in the snow was such a cute idea! This one's bold in the sense that it's BIG, but it's super fun, which helps to take any scariness out of the idea.

    Snowy Promposal Idea

    Whatever promposal idea or approach you decide to take, and whatever the outcome ends up being, just remember to have fun! Just like Prom Night, your promosal will be one that you'll remember forever, so make it special and keep it light-hearted. And, if you have any ideas of your own to share, leave us a comment below!

  • Promposal from our Roo Customer Shelby!

    One of our Rissy Roo's customers recently sent us pictures of her own daughter's promposal! Jessica, the mom of Shelby Thornton, saw that we've been posting cute promposal ideas to our Facebook wall and wanted to join in on the fun.

    Listen up ladies, because Shelby was the one doing the prom proposal to her boyfriend, not the other way around! There's definitely nothing wrong with the girl taking the initiative and asking the guy to prom, and Shelby's idea was such a cute way of doing it. Thinking of a funny or cheesy promposal can help lighten the mood for something that can be a little scary. Check out Shelby's idea below for inspiration!

    "My daughter Shelby Thornton (a high school senior in Texas) asked her boyfriend (a junior) to prom.  I noticed you post pics of cute ideas and thought this might make your list.  Thank you."

    - Jessica Thornton (Shelby's mom)

    Shelbly's lollipop promposal

    Shelbly's lollipop prom proposal

    The bouquet of lollipops is so cute. What a great idea - you definitely can't say no to candy! Thanks for sending the pictures in, Jessica and Shelby. We hope your prom was amazing (and didn't "suck")!

  • NBA Star Dwyane Wade Surprises Fan at her Prom!

    Are you a big basketball fan? If so, this is definitely something you'll be amazed by (and maybe a little jealous of)! Professional basketball player Dwayne Wade, who plays for the Miami Heat, really showed how much he loves his fans by surprising one of them at their prom!

    It all started when a high school senior that lives in Florida, Nicole Muxo, created a YouTube video of a prom proposal to Dwyane. Nicole started off the video saying that she's all ready for prom, except for one thing - having the perfect date, and proceeded to ask Dwayne to be that date. Watch her promposal here:

    Believe it or not, her promposal didn't fall on deaf ears! Dwayne never officially responded to the video, but after being able to find some free time between his playoff games, the NBA star showed up at Nicole's prom to surprise her! Dwayne first surprised Nicole with a phone call, saying sorry that he couldn't make it to her prom and sending her happy wishes. But, a few minutes later, Dwayne walked into the La Jolla Ballroom in Coral Gables, where the Archbishop Coleman Carroll High School prom was being held, to surprise Nicole in person! Nicole was overwhelmed with amazement, and the two danced and took pictures together before Dwayne headed out for the night. Watch the video of Dwayne surprising the teen: Continue reading

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