easy workout

  • Blogilates' Official Prom Dress Workout

    The process of finding that perfect prom dress, shoes, accessories, and everything else that goes into a prom night to remember is one that takes time and lots of research. It's important to start the process as early as possible in order to ensure you can take your time and not settle for anything you don't want.

    Part of the process to be prom ready that isn't always discussed with enough time to make an impact is working out! Toning up your body just the slightest bit can make all of the difference in the world for not only how you look, but how you feel in your dress. Knowing you put the time and effort in to look your best, from choosing a dress that fits your body perfectly, to your hair and make-up, to putting the time in to follow a routine workout, will have you feeling as confident as ever on the dance floor.

    That's why we were happy to see that certified fitness instructor of YouTube fame Cassey Ho recently posted a workout specifically for looking perfect in your prom dress to her YouTube channel Blogilates! She calls it her official prom dress workout, and it takes you through a handful of workouts that you can do in your own home - no gym needed, and completely equipment free. All you need is your own body and the will and focus to stay on-point from now through your prom date (and hopefully keeping at it well after prom!).  Continue reading

  • Fun Spring Break Ideas For Every Budget

    Your friends have talked about it for months planning away and setting up airfares and  tours for their awesome spring break getaway to a tropical destination. However, given the astronomical price of the trip, you will not be joining. There is no reason to be bummed out, though - a lot of girls spend spring break at home or on campus for many different reasons. So, for those hanging back, we came up with some ways to fill up your week without emptying your wallet, all while still enjoying your time like you were away on vacation! Read on for some fun and simple Spring Break ideas.

    Spring Break

    Road Trip It

    Just because you didn't plan a lavish resort getaway doesn't mean you have to stay in the house all week. Grab a buddy and take a road trip to somewhere you haven't been in a while, possibly even to a family member's or old friend who moved away. This way, you could save cash on a place to stay. The trip will give you a chance to bond with someone, and have a real adventure. Remember to pack a cooler with drinks and snacks so you don't have to spend money on the road.

    Road Trip


    Be a do-gooder! Use your week off to do something to benefit others by volunteering somewhere like a community center, nursing home, or animal shelter. It's a great way to spend your week, and you'll for sure feel like it was time well-spent. For a list of places looking for help, check out www.volunteermatch.org.

    Spend Time Outdoors

    Use the good weather to your advantage by getting a new outdoor hobby like bike riding or hiking. Take it to the beach and play volleyball or Frisbee in the sand! Make it an all day event by having a picnic or barbecue with family or friends. Not only is this good for your mind, but good for your body, too!

    Beach Volleyball

    Spring Cleaning

    Rainy day? Spend some time inside spring cleaning! Go through your closet and make a pile of clothes you know you are never going to wear again. Then, donate the clothing to charity or bring higher priced items to a consignment shop. You will feel refreshed after you eliminate clutter and have room to buy some new Summer stuff.

    Focus on YOU!

    Our last Spring break idea is to make sure to take some hardcore "you time." Be selfish for a few days and focus only on yourself. Catch up on sleep, or dive into a book you have always wanted to read. Learn something new by taking a dance or cooking class. The possibilities are endless!

    Are you staying home this Spring Break? What are your plans? Share with us by commenting below!

  • Fitness Friday: Easy "No Workout" Workouts for Any Time!

    Summer may be over, but that doesn't mean it's time to drop all the exercises you've been doing to stay in tip-top summer shape. We know that it can be hard to find the motivation when there's no bikinis to be wearing, so here's some simple workouts you can do that are so easy they can barely even be considered workouts! These workout ideas come from Seventeen Magazine - they're our favorites from their 10 Easy "No Workout" Workouts list. So, if you like the ideas below and want more, just head over to their site. And, of course, if you need a little motivation to get started, just remember that it's #FitnessFriday.

    Tooth Brush Wall Sits


    Rather than simply standing over the sink while you’re brushing your teeth, stand against the wall with your legs extended. They should be about two feet from the wall. Then, slowly bend your knees to slide down the wall until you reach a seated position. Make sure that your back is flat against the wall and your knees are positioned behind your toes.

    Seventeen recommends starting out holding the squat position for 30 seconds, and work your way up to a minute. Then, stand up, take a quick break, and repeat until you're done brushing your teeth (which, should be 2-3 minutes in total). This is something you can do every time you brush your teeth - an easy and efficient way to work on toning your legs and butt!

    Ride Your Bike Everywhere!


    Forget your car or the school bus. If your destination is within biking distance, sneak in a workout by hopping on your bike! Biking is a great way to get an all body workout, from your legs to your arms. And, not only will you get a little endorphin high, but it's good for the environment...and saving money on gas, of course!

    Seventeen recommends biking at least 3 times a week. If you're new to cycling, just make sure to take it slow in the beginning until you build up your endurance.

    Dance, Dance, Dance!


    When you're out at parties with friends, put your body to work by dancing! Get your friends off their butts and onto the dance floor and you'll all be having the most fun cardio workout around. The best part about this "no workout" workout is getting to also rock your favorite dress!

    Seventeen Magazine says to try to keep yourself moving for an hour at a time, ideally twice a week. You can always dance in front of your mirror, too, if you're not out at parties twice a week. And, with your Homecoming Dance coming up, one night is already in the bag!

    These are all great workouts to make sure you don't lose all that summer work you've done, especially since Homecoming Season is here. Do you have any easy workouts that you do? Leave us a comment below and share them with us!

  • Fitness Friday: Yoga for All!

    So, you are always hearing about how "great" yoga is, right? How good of a stretch it gives you, how relaxing it is, how well it gets your body in shape. Well, you hear correctly! It is actually a really good workout, especially if running  on the treadmil is not all too appealing to you. You may never do the crazy balancing poses, but once you get a hang of the basics, you will feel stronger, leaner, more flexible, and of course ready to rock your new formal dress!

    Fitness Magazine recommended some simple yoga poses that you can try to get you started and on the way to a more flexible you! Check them out below:

    1. Mountain Pose

    Stand tall with feet together, shoulders relaxed, weight evenly distributed through your soles, and arms at sides.

    Take a deep breath and raise your hands overhead, palms facing each other with arms straight. Reach up toward the sky with your fingertips.

    2. Downward Dog

    Start on all fours with hands directly under shoulders and knees under hips.

    Walk hands a few inches forward and press palms into mat with fingers spread wide.

    Curl toes under and press hips toward ceiling, bringing your body into an inverted V, pressing shoulders away from ears. Feet should be hip-width apart and knees slightly bent.

    Hold for 3 full breaths.

    3. Warrior

    Stand with legs 3 - 4 feet apart, turning right foot out 90 degrees and left foot in slightly.

    Bring hands to your hips and relax your shoulders, then extend arms out to the sides, palms down.

    Bend right knee 90 degrees, keeping knee over ankle; gaze out over right hand. Stay for 1 minute.

    Switch sides and repeat.

    If you're looking for more yoga inspiration, Pinterest is a great place to check out - people post a slew of pictures on the site of various poses. In fact, all of the pictures above came from pins and re-pins on Pinterest! So, Downward Dog and pin away!

    Do you have a favorite yoga pose? Let us know in the comments!

  • Repin It! Top 5 Fitness Pins

    PinterestPinterest has become one of the hottest online destinations for fashionistas, DIY crafters, and future brides.  If you’re new to Pinterest, let me give you the run down.  After requesting an invite you will be able to create your pin boards, dedicated to anything you’d like.  On Rissy Roo’s we have boards dedicated to Little Black Dresses, Fun Accessories, Prom Hairstyles and more.  Then you have the freedom to add any pins to your boards, which you can easily do while browsing through the site’s categories.  Pins are images from websites that are creative, trendy, or lead to exciting advice.  With thousands of pins to surf through, from household tips to creative hair-dos, it’s no wonder this new social platform is so addictive!

    Health & Fitness has become one of the fastest growing sections of Pinterest, with users sharing their favorite tips on how to get in shape, stay slim, and maintain a healthy diet.  Our pinboard “101 Ways to Fit In That Dress,” features the best tips on fitness, compiled for those of you looking to drop a dress size.  There is advice on what to eat, how to fit a quick workout into your busy schedule, and even tips on how to stay on track with your weight loss.

    After months of repining our most loved posts, we recommend you check out some of these fitness pins.  Whether you’re new to Pinterest, or a seasoned veteran, here are some pins you have got to add to your fitness board:

    Eat Your Heart Our Fitness Pinterest1. Eat Your Heart Out – This pin details a specific week long diet that will help you lose weight fast.  By focusing on specific foods each day, you’ll be able to flush out your system and drop some pounds fast.



    Six Pack Attack Pinteret Fitness2. Six-Pack Attack – Fitness Company Crunch created this pin, detailing the right exercises to do if you want a killer six-pack.  It not only lists what exercises are perfect for an abs workout, but explains in detail exactly how to do them.

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